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CH Dreahook P Glorious 

DOB: 5/1/2010
ADGA LA 2013 VVEV 88
White w/ red and black markings
Progeny Retained:
Doe(2012): Dreahook DB Esprit
Doe(2014): Dreahook AB Brielle
Doe(2016): Dreahook SS Navi


2013 Spring Bash: 2nd Freshener

2012 Spring Bash: 1st Freshener


MCH TX Twincreeks WDF Wanna Dance?

(MCH Pecan Hollow Willy's Dance Fever*S X MCH HBF LS Darlin Clementine*D)

(Photos courtesy of Twincreeks Farm)

Maternal GrandDam

MCH HBF LS Darlin Clementine*D

(MCH HBF Luckey Strike+SE X Far-n-Best Little Darlin’VG)

No Photo


MCH Gay-Mor's gNat's Winged Pegasus E

(Gay-Mor's LS gNat*S X Gay-Mor's RA Nightwing)

(Pictured as a junior)

Paternal GrandDam

Gay-Mors RA Nightwing

(Stonewall's Raising Arizona S X ARMCH Unicorn Farm Parnell's Panda*D)

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